Are We Ready to Share Christ?

Are we rooted-in and sold-out to Christ to the point that we will meet the world? Will we show someone who Christ is, what He can do, and why He died for them? Have you felt His presence in your life to be able to share the good news to others?

Before ascending to Heaven Jesus ordered His disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father (the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:4). They were ready to share Christ with the world only after the Holy Spirit had cleansed their motives and morals. Have you been to Christ to the point all your motives and morals are in tune with the Holy Spirit? I see it as living a holy life; a life that is authentic, practical and real.

Only the Holy Spirit can cleanse us and empower us to face our giants, and the storms coming our way. As Christ followers, one of our primary purposes is drawing others to Christ and telling them about Him. The Holy Spirit enables us to discern good from evil, to make right choices, and to live free from sin. If we are convinced we need to pursue living a holy life, look at these steps.

1 – Surrender: Totally surrender to God’s will for all your life, all areas.
2 – Ask: As a child of God, ask him for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
3 – Obey: Be obedient to all of God’s Word. Walk in the light of truth.
4 – Believe: The Holy Spirit is able and willing to do all God has promised us.

When we allow this to happen and pursue it, people will see a change in our attitudes, be blessed by our compassion, and be drawn to the Lord.  The song “Build My Life” says,

Holy there is no one like you, there is none beside you, open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are, and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me. I will build my life upon your love and its firm foundation. I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken.