Be a Walking Sermon

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have in Jesus. But do this with gentleness and respect.” -1 Peter 3:15

I have heard ministers and others remind us to be a walking sermon. That was a great reminder that people were paying attention to my behavior. Perhaps you have heard some say, you may be the only Bible people will read or look at. That can be a little scary but is also an awesome responsibility. Let it be a strong reminder for us to examine our lives and be mindful of how we portray ourselves to others. I am not saying to portray something we aren’t, but to be genuine and ask God to help us to be the kind of person that can live our life to glorify Him.

If you grumble and complain at work or at school, and people know you consider yourself a Christian, do you think they will get to know Jesus any better by being around you? They probably won’t because you aren’t showing them a life that is desirable. On the other hand, if you are a person who is learning to see the glass as half full, to show genuine concern for others, and to avoid judging them, people may want to figure out what you and God are all about. Your living example can speak volumes. Be genuine and caring. Be infectious with your peace. Be trustworthy.

I am not a person that will knock on doors or walk up to strangers and start to witness, but in our everyday lives we talk to friends and people we may be around that we can portray Jesus to. It is comforting to be able to have scripture like 1 Peter 3:15 that relate to the circumstances we are talking about. What is one respectful way you can display your faith today? We don’t need to point out someone’s faults, but rather show concern and genuinely try to uplift them.

God, may my hope in You guide my decisions today. Help me to be gentle and respectful in all my relationships so others will be drawn to you. Help me to have a stronger burden for those in need of your touch. Amen.