Doing the Right Thing

Sometimes doing the right thing is the last thing we feel like doing. When that happens how exactly are we supposed to do the right thing and not feel weary or have a bad attitude? Doing what is right occasionally, or for a short while, is usually not hard, but Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 3:13, we must continue in doing the right thing without losing heart.

That means all the time, no matter how long the time is or how we feel during that time. Doing what is right even when we seem to be getting only wrong results is difficult at best. We feel discouraged and weary, but what we "feel" has nothing to do with what we should be doing.

One of Satan's favorite things to do to us is to try and make us give up because of how we feel. Once our feelings start to quit on us, there he is to whisper in our ear that it's just not worth the effort. However, God tells us it is. He shows us how to endure, persist, continue on, and finish. He teaches us to be long-suffering, patient, determined, and steadfast, just as He is.

I am reminded again and again that I have to do the right thing with a right attitude for a long time before I get the right results. So, what do we do when we feel low on the "right attitude"? We must go to God and wait on Him to give us fresh strength so that through His unlimited grace we are able to press on until the end.

God wants us to be spiritually mature. Spiritual maturity is the ability to live beyond how we feel. It is being in control of our feelings instead of our feelings controlling us. We should live by decisions based on God's word, and not on how we feel about something or someone. Galatians 6:9 states:

Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up.

So let us pray that the God of unlimited resources, will supply us all with strength and grace to continue to do good even when we don't feel like it. We all want to see what a glorious harvest it will be! So let us not give up! Keep on, keeping on!