Following God

My soul follows close behind you, your right hand upholds me. -Psalm 63:8

In this simple yet powerful verse, David described the way he followed God’s lead and relied completely upon Him. The Bible often reports that David inquired of the Lord. He entrusted every area of his life to God. He looked to God for protection from his enemies, provision of all his needs, guidance when making decisions, and victory in battle. David followed God simply because he desired God. Another Psalmist felt the same way.

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. -Psalm 84:10

I can remember several instances when I had some tough times, and I did desire to seek God. It seemed like a miracle that God worked it out. It usually wasn’t some big miraculous thing. It was God’s simple way of working things out because He loves us, and we seek Him. What does following behind God entail for you? In what way has God upheld you?

Sometimes, God works things out and we don’t understand why He chose the way He did work it out. It’s not until farther along in our journey we see why or understand better. Here’s a prayer for today.

God, I admit that sometimes I’ve been a straggler, lagging far behind you. Thank you for waiting for me, drawing me to yourself, and upholding me with your right hand. Amen.