Forgiven Much, Love Much

I want you to remember the words of Jesus from Luke 7:47 (ESV),

But he who is forgiven little, loves little.

We can't know what it means to truly love God until we first understand what it means to fear Him. It is a proper awareness of our own sin that allows us to begin to grasp the depths of God's grace. As long we think we've been forgiven little, we will love little. Do we really understand what has been done for us?

Jesus didn't just do us a solid. He paid the ultimate price to save hell deserving sinners from impending wrath. He laid down His life to love us and reconcile us to God. We didn't deserve grace. Jesus didn't deserve wrath. God made an exchange though. Jesus took on our suffering so we could receive His salvation. Jesus didn't just come to give us some morals. He came to give us life. Make the choice today to love God like you're a dead man brought back to life, a prisoner who has been set free, and a prodigal receiving the warm embrace of a father. Your sin wasn't little, and neither was His grace.

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8, ESV