Heed Wisdom's Call

God has shown us what is right and good. He has told us how we can navigate this life in a way that we can do well. He has laid before us wisdom and it calls to us that we might heed its instruction. Proverbs 1:32-33 (ESV) tells us,

32 For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them; 33 but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.

Whenever we fail to heed the wisdom and truth of God, we are playing a dangerous game. This happens sometimes because simply reject what God has told us. As the scripture says, like the simple, we turn away. We simply tell God no and go about our life as we please. Other times, we understand what God has said, but we keep putting it off. We never do anything about it. We tell ourselves I will do that next week, when I have more time, or when other things are taken care of first. We, like the fool, become complacent and fail to heed wisdom’s call. The end results of such rejection and complacency are death and destruction.

However, the benefits of heeding God’s wisdom are security, ease, and freedom from fear. Wisdom protects you. You live with a sense of confidence and calm assurance knowing God will take care of you because you are trusting Him. Many have missed the peace, joy, and contentment God has for them because they have neglected wisdom. What about you? Is there a bit of wisdom you have rejected? Are you being complacent and putting off something God has told you to do? No more messing around. Don’t live like the simpleton or the fool. It’s time to heed wisdom’s call.