How We Mourn

Everyone deals with death in different ways. We may cry. We may get angry. We may completely withdraw and live in denial. The Bible reminds us…

Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. -Matthew 5:4

We find times to gather together to share our pain and to honor the life that was lost. There is comfort in knowing that others feel the loss of our loved one too. It is important to share memories and laughter so that we may heal. The Psalmist writes…

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. -Psalm 34:18

Richard Adams was a man who lived his faith. He didn’t fill a spot in the pew, he filled a life with love and service! We can all learn from Richard’s example. He took the time to talk to people. He asked questions and showed concern. He prayed and then put legs on his prayers by taking action. A life on earth has ended but eternal life has just begun.

We all deal with loss in different ways. Going forward I want to be more intentional about showing love and concern to those around me! It’s W.W.R.D. (What Would Richard Do?)