May the 4th Be with You: A New Hope

If you can read this, I assume you have seen the first Star Wars movie “A New Hope”. If you haven’t seen it, I assume you must have terrible friends and bad parents. I kid, but after seeing that movie many of us become insistent that others see it as well. No doubt the hope we have in Jesus is far superior in its goodness compared to Star Wars. Jesus ought to capture our heart and be shared with others. He is worthy of that. Therefore, with it being May 4th, I want to give four celebratory reasons that make me want to share my hope in Jesus with others.

1. Jesus Redeemed My Past

I was trapped in chains of addiction, but Jesus set me free! I am thankful I can empathize with others who may feel those chains and am happy to tell them of the hope and freedom in Jesus.

2. Jesus Changed Me

I am so thankful for how Jesus has changed my self-centeredness and gave me a care for others. I know if Jesus can change how I treat others, then He can help anyone change.

3. Jesus will Keep Changing Me

I know I still have many characteristics needing changed but I also know He will gracefully and patiently help me change those things. Jesus’ example reminds me I should extend the same grace and patience to others.

4. The Hope for a Future in Jesus

I see the chaos in our world and with my own life. However, I know that Jesus has a plan and a future available for me and the world; it’s a future full of eternal life and free of pain.

Now, I ask you take some time in prayerful reflection with Jesus. Find four reasons you celebrate the hope of Jesus that stir your heart to share that hope with others.  

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. -Romans 15:13