My Three Dads

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. -John 15:9

My dad is Rick Shurtz or “Kingfish!” My other, soon to be dad is Randy Johnston or “Pop!” And there’s my Heavenly Father or “Big Guns!” When my dad and Randy met, they hit it off! Talking about the Cardinals, watching the game, talking about life, laughing, and shaking their heads at me for doing something or saying something dumb!

Growing up I never wanted “that look” from my dad. The look of,” I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.” Nor do I want that look from the other two! We have all felt that and hopefully none of us ever got that look! How often have we wondered what God thinks about the things we do? When we get to Heaven will we get that look we have long feared? Or will we stand tall and say, “I have fought the good fight and I have finished the race!”

The thing is none of us can really do that ourselves nor do we deserve to have God’s love or forgiveness, but he gives it to us willingly and freely! My dad could have written me off after times I disappointed him! My soon to be father-in-law could have not given me his blessing. God could have never given me those thousands of second chances! But my Dad has never wrote me off, Pop believes in me, and God has never quit on me!

So, with Father’s Day quickly approaching let the dads you have in your life know that you are blessed to be their son, their son-in-law, and their child!  Happy Father’s Day Kingfish, Pop, and Big Guns!