Something Better than Money

There are many of us who I’m sure could use a little extra money. Money has value. It can make things happen, help us acquire what we need, and settle our debts. As valuable as money may be, there are some things that are simply better. There are certain things we need to prioritize above making another dollar. These are things that money can’t buy. Listen to the wisdom from Proverbs 15:16-17 (ESV),

16 Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. 17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.

Gain and use your money wisely, but never chase it at the expense of our relationship with God and love for others. Remember having a reverence for God is better than great riches. Jesus said it like this in Mark 8:36,

“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

You can have the best that money can buy, but those things find more value when you have someone to share them with. Big houses, fast cars, and fancy food aren’t nearly as precious as love. If you have a loving family and people that truly care about you, you are blessed. You can’t buy that at Walmart or on Amazon. It doesn’t have a price tag.

Take some time today to recalibrate what really makes a person blessed. It’s the presence of the Lord and love. If you have those, no matter how much money is in your bank account, you are rich. Don’t trade them for money, and don’t lose sight of them in the pursuit of money. Money is a wonderful blessing but always remember there is something better than money.