Spiritual Fullness in Christ

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. -Colossians 2:6-7

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither; whatever they do prospers. -Psalm 1:3

Scripture compares believers to trees. If a tree has shallow roots, it won’t be able to withstand a windstorm, but will be uprooted. In times of drought, it will wither and die. On the other hand, if that tree has deep roots, it will withstand the strong winds. In arid times, it will find refreshment in the moist soil deep beneath the surface.

Similarly, if we want to withstand storms and dry times, we need to make sure we are deeply rooted in God. To continue bearing fruit, we must develop our root system by spending time alone with God in prayer and the scriptures.

No one who sees a tree says, “Those are some good-looking roots.” No, they see the leaves, branches, and the fruit. In the same way, people won’t see you deepening your relationship with Christ through time alone with Him, but they will see the results. They will see you standing strong through stormy times. They will see your love, joy, and peace. They will see your good works and glorify God because they know you are rooted in Christ.

The phrase, “whatever they do prospers”, does not mean immunity from failure or difficulties. It doesn’t guarantee health, wealth, and happiness. What the Bible means by prosperity is this; when we apply God’s wisdom, the fruit we bear will be good and will receive God’s approval. How will you deepen your roots in Jesus today? What storms have you faced, or might you be facing soon?

Prayer for today: God, thank you for nourishing me every day. Help me to be rooted and built up in you and established in the faith. Amen.