The Beginning of Knowledge

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. -Proverbs 1:7, ESV

If you want to accomplish a task, pursue a goal, or acquire something new, it is helpful to know where you ought to start. If you start in the wrong place, you will be sure to get things all out of whack. For example, if your first step in changing the oil is adding all the new oil to the engine, you would be wasting time and money. Also, you can’t just throw a box of cake mix into the oven and expect a cake to come out. You’d probably be calling the fire department instead. You need to know where to start.

When it comes to gaining knowledge and then also wisdom, the Bible is quite clear where we need to start. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. If you want to understand what is true and how to apply that truth it starts with acknowledging the Lord and taking Him seriously. It is foolishness to despise or reject the Lord. Many know they should tune their hearts to heaven, but instead ignore the Word of the Lord. It shouldn’t be a surprise when we experience pain, hardship, or setback if we have started in the wrong place. Remember the Lord is the beginning.

Are you taking the Lord seriously in your life? Do you acknowledge Him and His word? Get into the Bible. Read it and obey it. Prayerfully lean into God every day. You will gain priceless knowledge and wisdom. If you are in a bind or having a rough time, perhaps it is a sign that you have been starting in the wrong place. Trust God’s promise and His process. If you want to get it right, start with the Lord.