The Light

Christmas time brings so many memories for me and I would like to share one with you. Every year my dad and I put the tree up together on Christmas Eve. We had a tree topper that was a star and the middle cylinder revolved throwing different colors all over the room. After decorating the tree, we would turn off all the lights leaving only the tree on. I would curl up in my pops lap and watch the colors float around the room. It was a special, magical time that felt so calm, so warm.

I think part of what made it special was because it was just me and my papa quietly talking, soaking in the light and love of Christmas. This time of year isn’t meant to be all hustle, rush, and stress. The best of Christmas comes in the small quiet moments. The lasting memories aren’t who got what. The things that will stick with you down the years are moments spent in the light of love, God’s love, family love, love shared with friends.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you. God is light, in him there is no darkness at all. -1 John 1:5, NIV

I pray that you are able to spend time soaking in the light of God’s love, and just as important sharing the light with someone else. Remember the best gift ever came from above! Merry Christmas to you all as you light up the world with His love!