Have you ever thought about what “a new day” really means? To some it means just another day with the same routine, to others it may mean a new opportunity to work hard and advance themselves, and still to others it may just be a continuation of the previous day with all the mistakes, anger, and resentment. But what is “new” actually supposed to be? I believe a new day is a completely blank slate, for everyone, not just for me.
The Bible states in Psalm 118:24 “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Why does God want us to rejoice in each new day if let’s say maybe it starts off badly, or maybe anger and resentment from the day before is still with us, or possibly we continue to dwell and think about our mistakes from the past, or we hold a grudge against someone who hurt us? Could it be that we are to rejoice because the day is a clean blank slate? A blank slate for everyone, basically a do over.
A new day gives us the chance to be a better person in our actions, a kinder person to those around us, and most importantly a new day gives us the opportunity to listen to God and His instruction better than the day before. A new day also means that it won’t be the same as the previous day. In Isaiah 43:19 God says “Behold, I am doing a new thing.” That verse is talking about the coming of Jesus Christ as our salvation, but could it also be describing what each day actually should be?
If so, how should that affect our perspective? The amazing thing is that all of the people that may have hurt us, said cruel things to us, or did cruel things to us also get the same “new day”. A new day for things to be different. We should allow everyone their new day and not condemn them to being the same person in our minds that they were the day before. Everyone starts out with a clean slate, everyone.