Walk the Walk

There are plenty of people out there that can talk the talk, but far less that actually walk the walk. The bible has word for when our walk matches our talk. It’s called faithfulness. There is also a word for when our walk doesn’t match our talk. It’s called hypocrisy. Proverbs 20:6 poses a question that I think each one of us should consider.

Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find? -Proverbs 20:6, ESV

In essence, it is asking us, who is actually going to walk the walk? Who is going to live with integrity? Who will be faithful to follow-through? Our actions, for better or worse, teach others about the God we claim to follow. When we walk the walk as Christians it helps people to get a clear picture of who God really is. When there is a disconnect between our words and our actions, we distort the character of God in our hypocrisy.

Nominal means in name only. We shouldn’t be nominal Christians. That is, if you say you are a Christian, you ought to live like a Christian. What damage we cause when we say we follow Christ, yet we act like we have never met Him. Is there an area of your life where your walk isn’t matching your talk? Choose today to live faithfully. People are looking for something real and when you walk the walk, they will get a taste of it. Let your light shine bright for God’s glory. I’ll leave with a chorus today from the Mark Trammell Quartet.

You know, your walk talks, and your talk talks
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks
Your behavior toward your neighbor
Is really how you feel about the Savior
When you exemplify and shine the Light of Christ
You know the number in the kingdom will be multiplied.
Yes, your walk talks, and your talk talks,
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks.