What is Faith?

One way the bible describes faith is in Romans 4:20-21,

But he did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that God had the power to do what He had promised.

That verse is talking about Abraham's faith in God's promise to be the father of many nations even though he had no children with his wife Sarah.  Abraham looked beyond where he was and saw with eyes of faith, believing in God for the impossible.  We should try every day to do the same.  Abraham had no reason to hope, but he hoped in faith that God's promise to him would be fulfilled.  A hopeful mind and attitude lead to peace and joy, while fear and discouragement steal peace and joy.

It costs nothing to be positive and believe God can change you and your life. Jump-start your blessings by saying you love your life, and be thankful in all things, no matter what the circumstances may be. Sometimes being positive feels like the last thing we can do during difficult times of waiting, but God will meet us there in those times and revive our hope if only we would ask Him.

Romans 4:20 states that Abraham did not doubt God's promise, and he was not disobedient to God by giving up. In fact, he waited on God, which caused his faith to become stronger and more empowered.  He felt confident that God would keep His word.  We should all try to take Abraham's example and keep our hearts filled with faith and our actions filled with obedience.

What is faith? It is being fully convinced that God has the power to do what He promises.  What is obedience? It is not giving up on God's promises.