A Godly Attitude

Have you ever needed an attitude adjustment before? Sometimes our perspective, thought life, or feelings can get out of whack. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to measure your attitude and see if it needs some adjustment.

Does everyone seem to be getting on your nerves? Have you been feeling jealous, bitter, or anxious lately? Can you remember the last time you celebrated? Do you feel the urge to be right no matter what? Does it seem like everyone has it better than you? Have any friends or family commented on your attitude?

God has some input for each of us when it comes to our attitude. If we pay attention to God’s Word, it becomes apparent what He wants for us concerning our attitudes. Not only that, but God’s Word can guide and shape our attitude into what it needs to be. Consider this passage.

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV

Did you catch that? There were three commands given to us that we know for sure “this is God’s will”. I think each of those commands has a profound effect in shaping a godly attitude. Let’s go over each one.

When it comes to our attitude, we know God wants us to “rejoice always”. God wants us to be filled with His joy in such a way that it physically manifests in our life as rejoicing. We can rejoice always because our reason for rejoicing is not circumstantial. It’s about the Savior, not the situation. You see, when you have a Savior whose character doesn’t change, there’s always a reason to rejoice.

We also know that God wants us to “pray continually”. We should have an attitude that is always looking to God. When you have a great day, talk to God. When you have a horrible day, talk to God. When you have a mediocre day, talk to God. Keep those communication lines open and don’t let your attitude get so out of whack that you think, “I don’t need to talk to God today.”

Finally, we know that God wants us to “give thanks in all circumstances”. Sometimes we can get so focused on what we don’t have that we overlook the blessings that we do have. Remember what you have in Christ Jesus. I am a firm believer that Christians are the richest people in all the world and I’m not just talking about money. We have the precious gifts of God. Give thanks today. You’d be surprised what it does to your attitude when you count your blessings and give heartfelt thanks to God.

So how did you measure up? Do you need a bit of attitude adjustment today? I know sometimes I do. Thankfully, we know for sure three things we can do.

Give Thanks.