Don't Be Too Proud

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. -Romans 12:16

We live in a world that puts people in their place. People are willing to pay for extra services like special boarding times on flights, unique privileges at car rental companies, credit cards that come with concierge hotlines, and the finest rooms in hotels. These can be tremendous blessings, but they can also make us feel a little more important than the next guy.

God calls us to be like Jesus, who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Instead, He became an ordinary person, just like us. In fact, the Creator of the universe came to us as a helpless baby, lived as a humble servant, and ultimately died as a victim of an unjust execution. He didn’t consider Himself too important to be with us, to be like us, or to suffer for us.

Many people use their contacts and relationships for selfish ambition. They select those people who will help them climb the social ladder. Christ demonstrated and taught that we should treat all people with respect – those of a different race, the handicapped, the poor, young and old, male and female. We must never consider others as being beneath us. Paul says we need to “live in harmony” with others and not be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. Are you able to do humble tasks with others? Do you welcome conversation with unattractive, non-prestigious people? Are you willing to befriend newcomers?

Consider just enjoying people. Every single person you see today was created by God and for His pleasure. Each one is a gift. Pay attention to the people you meet. Talk with them. Pray for them. Encourage them. Have fun with them.

In the past few days, have you taken a few extra moments to enjoy being with someone? Each person you meet is a gift from God. Whom might you enjoy being with today?

God, forgive me for brushing past people without recognizing what a gift each one is. Save me from feeling superior, and help me to find the treasure in the folks I meet. Amen.