Be Still

When was the last time you had a whole day without anything on your calendar? A day that was absolutely free? A 24-hour period to do just as you pleased? We fill our lives with things that must be done…chores, meetings, appointments. There always seems to be just one more thing to do.

God’s desire for us is to consistently make time to be alone with Him. Some one-on-one time if you will. Any parent knows how overwhelmed kids can become when they aren’t required to take some down time or quiet time.

It’s the same for us as children of God! He sees our busy lives and our long to do lists. God just wants us to stop and spend time in His presence. He gave us a beautiful world full of wonderous things but in our rush we often miss all He has to give. Psalm 46:10 tells us to,

Be still and know that I am God.

That doesn’t just mean sit still and listen to me. I feel the words are much deeper than that. God wants us to know He is in control. He is the planner and the doer. We need to turn our lives and schedules over to Him. They are His.

Life becomes calmer and more manageable when we allow the One who planned the universe to plan our day. Make time today to be still and hear what God has planned for you!