On a Treasure Hunt

Back in 2013, an unsuspecting California-based couple took their dog for a walk and noticed a rusted can partially buried in the ground. They were shocked to find that the metal container was filled with $20 gold coins.

Upon further investigation, the couple found several more cans buried on their property. The coins were minted from 1847 to 1894, and much to the couple’s surprise, there were nearly 1,400 $20 pieces in total. Additionally, the duo discovered 50 $10 coins and 4 $5 pieces. The collection of coins was estimated to be worth more than $10 million, with one coin, the 1866-S No Motto Double Eagle to be valued at $ 1 million on its own (Hobbyhelp.com/Reuters.com).

They found buried treasure. There is great thrill and excitement in finding something valuable or digging up treasure. Some come across such loot after diligently searching while others, like in this story, may accidentally stumble across it. There is a great treasure that is much closer to each of us than we may think. Except this treasure isn’t valuable because of its gold, silver, or dollar signs. It is something much more precious. The treasure I am talking about is God’s Word.

We are reminded from Colossians 2:2-3, that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”. Whenever we pick up our Bibles and examine the words and life of Christ, we are on a treasure hunt. We are digging up wisdom and knowledge that is inexpressibly valuable. It is a treasure that doesn’t just inform us, it transforms our lives. It’s there for all of us, if we are just willing to do a little digging with our shovels of humility, sincerity, and diligence.

When you search God’s Word you will find treasures both old and new. When you find that treasure, remember it’s meant to be shared (Matthew 13:52). So, pick up your Bible today and get on your treasure hunt. Don’t put it down until you find treasure. I promise you it’s there, you just have to dig a little. And when you dig it up don’t keep it all to yourself. Pass it on.