Created with a Purpose

Do you ever feel that you don’t know what plan God has for you? Remember, God created you. He is alive and nothing is too difficult for Him. His love is bigger than any problem you may face. John 1:3-4 says,

“All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made, that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

One of the two who heard John the Baptist speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He said to His brother Simon, “We have found Jesus.” He then brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus said, “You are Simon, the Son of John, you shall be called Cephas which means Peter.” Was Andrew jealous? Did he wonder why Jesus didn’t give him a new name? What did Peter have that Andrew did not?

Remember, John 1:3 says of Jesus, all things were made through Him including Peter and Andrew. God created each of them for their own unique purpose. Maybe Andrew’s purpose was to bring other people to Jesus just as he brought his brother Peter. The Bible is the living, truthful word of God. So, John 1:3 must apply to us as well. Jesus made each of us. He knows what is inside of us and has a purpose for each of us. We are important to Him.

Do you have a sense of God’s unique purpose for you? In basketball players may try to force making a play when nothing is there instead of letting the game’s opportunities open up naturally. Likewise, instead of forcing your plan, let God open up opportunities to you by listening to Him. Seek God in prayer so He can prepare you to be more effective in following His will. Pray this today…

“God, you lovingly created me for a purpose. I dedicate myself to you and I am excited to see what you have in store for me. Amen.”