Christmas All Year Round

Sometimes we hear someone say, “It just doesn’t feel like Christmas.” We may be in the midst of the busy holiday season, but in our heart, it didn’t feel like Christmas.

We are no longer kids, and the magic of childhood innocence is gone. Now we have life circumstances to deal with and sometimes that crushes our Christmas spirit. We aren’t kids anymore and have to deal with life’s sadness and its ups and downs.

We need to remind ourselves that, even though life gets messy and painful in the moment, we should intentionally redirect our thoughts from our problems to the manger and the hope Jesus’ birth brings. We can focus on the blessings we have and find joy in the little things through the strength of Christ alone. We can commit to hang onto hope and remember that Christmas spirit must come from Christ, not our external circumstances.

In the Christmas story, we read about the promise of hope. The angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people. Today in the town of David, a savior has been born to you, he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11)” Most believers know this popular passage well, but in the face of great pain, suffering, and adversity, we often forget the meaning, even at Christmas. Heartache, grief, pain, or anger can easily cause us to lose sight of the fact that this is the season we celebrate God sending his Son into the mess of our lives so we can have hope and joy no matter what.

Maybe for some it has been a difficult year from personal situations, separation, divorce, heartbreak, not being with family, loss of a loved one, kids grown up and have moved on, loss of a job and on and on. Whatever the reason, if your Christmas spirit feels crushed, you’re lacking joy, and feeling void of hope, remember that although life continually changes, Jesus and His love for us never does. Redirecting our thoughts to focus on the hope and joy available to us because of His holy birth can restore the most broken spirit.

Our level of Christmas spirit will always depend on where we are looking for it. Look to Jesus.

Dear Lord, you know the heaviness of our hearts. Please help us refocus on you and the fact that you sent your son to this earth as a baby so we could live with hope despite our circumstances. Refresh our Christmas spirit and infuse us with the joy we long to have in Jesus. Amen.