Too Busy for God

We make time for and devote energy to the things that are important to us. We call those things priorities. As we each prioritize our lives, I hope that none of us have become too busy for God. I pray that each of us carves out time and space for the Lord in our life. When we fail to do so life becomes empty. We see this happen in the book of Haggai.

God’s people, after returning from captivity in Babylon, were tasked by the Lord to rebuild the temple. They ran into some difficulties and the project was put on hold for many years. God sent the prophet Haggai to them to tell them it was time to get back to work and finish the task God had given them. They could no longer focus on their own priorities, they needed to prioritize the things of God. Their lives were missing something vital because their priorities were out of whack. Listen to God’s reminder from Haggai 1:9 (ESV),

You looked for much, and behold, it came to little. And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? declares the Lord of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house.

Life is not what it should be when we push God to the side or make Him take a back seat. God is meant to be the one thing at the center of our life that all things revolve around. If we have God, we have all things, because He is the creator and sustainer of all. However, if we don’t have God, we really don’t have anything at all.

How have your priorities been lately? Have you made time to read your Bible, go to church, or spend time in prayer? If your priorities have gotten off track, set them right today. Make time for God. Choose to open your life to Him and watch how He fills it.