Growing in Our Walk with Christ

On May 23rd, 2022 my son Corban had his last day of kindergarten. He hopped out of the truck, with backpack in tow, and walked through the front doors like it was no big deal. What a difference it was from his first day of kindergarten. He wanted me to hold his hand and walk him all the way into his classroom on the first day of school. Over the course of the school year, he grew up and learned the ropes. He didn’t need his hand held anymore. He could do it by himself.

Growth is an important part of life. God wants us to grow as well. There are parts of our spiritual walk where we need our hand held at first. We need someone to walk us through, calm our fears, or make sure we are doing it right. That is not where we are called to stay though. We are to mature and grow in the faith. We are to learn how to walk without fear or worry. How have you been growing in your spiritual walk? What differences have been made in your life in the last year? Look at what Paul tells us in Colossians 2:6-7 (ESV),

6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

We are to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ in way that puts our roots deeper into the soil, lays a firmer foundation in the faith, and reaches new heights of spiritual maturity. We also to abound in thankfulness through every part of the journey. None of us are finished yet. We all still have some growing to do. Just make sure you are not staying in the same place, becoming stagnant and stale. Instead, stay on the move for the Lord like a fresh flowing stream and grow up into all that Christ has for you. In time you will no longer need your hand held, rather you will be the one walking beside those who are young in the faith.