Jesus Makes All the Boo-Boo's Better

Sometime back when my son Corban was little, I scraped my leg on a branch that I was trying to move. When I was laying on the couch in shorts, he noticed it. With his 3-year-old perspective, Corban said, "Ooohhh daddy, you have a boo-boo...but Jesus will make it better." I said, "Thanks bud. Yeah, Jesus will make it better."

A few weeks later my leg was all healed up. I was sitting in bed talking to Corban on a Saturday night before we hit the hay. I was going to be preaching on the crucifixion of Jesus the next day from Mark 15:15-38. Corban noticed that my leg was all healed up. He told me, "Look Jesus made your boo-boo better." I said, "Yeah, Jesus made my boo-boo better". He then added some extra insight, "Jesus makes peoples boo-boos better". I said, "That's right bud." He continued, "Jesus makes all peoples boo-boos better."

My son was so young at the time, and he didn't fully understand what he was saying. Jesus really does make all our boo-boos better. He takes away all our sins, all our guilt, and all our hurt. He takes it all away. Do you know the healing and forgiveness of Jesus Christ? If you put your faith in Him, He can change everything right now. Have you experienced a hurt in life that needs the gentle touch of our Savior? He can restore and redeem any wound. You simply need to trust. No matter the boo-boo you may have, Jesus has a remedy for you. Remember these words of John the Baptist from John 1:29,

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”