Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

But first and most importantly seek His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you also. -Matthew 6:33

Simply put this verse reminds us to “Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing”, and the main thing in life is a relationship with God.

We must know what the most important thing in our lives is and keep our priorities in line.  In our society today a huge emphasis is put on commerce and material things, but we must remember that things are not most important to God.  He wants us to have and enjoy the nice things He gives us, but He also wants first place in our lives.  We are taught to seek the kingdom of God and His way of acting and doing before we seek anything else.

When we seek something, we think about it often. We talk about it. We are even willing to pay a price to have it.  Some people even fall into the trap of seeking God so He will give them the things they want.  Obviously, those motives are wrong.  We must form the habit of seeking God’s face and not merely His hand.  We need to seek Him for who He is and not what He can do for us.

God is pleased when we want to spend time with Him just because we love Him.  He is also pleased when we praise and worship Him because of who He is.  Would we not all think that God enjoys a celebration for His “being” and not just His “doing”?  We all want friends who are interested in who we are, and not just what we can do for them. God calls us His friend through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. We should act like a true friend.

When we put God first, keep Him there, and seek to do things His way, we are showing that we delight in Him.  Then, according to Psalm 37:4, He gives us the desires of our hearts.