What Do You Smell Like?

Earlier this summer we had several very hazy days. The air seemed to be saturated with smoke and you could smell the scent of burning wood. The news said this was the result of wildfires in Canada. It seems hard to believe something so far away was having an effect on us here.

We all know that certain smells can evoke vivid memories and emotions. For example, the smell of Old Spice aftershave and citronella candles brings fond memories of time spent in the backyard with my Pop. What smells bring you happiness and peace? More importantly, what is God’s favorite fragrance?

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. -2 Corinthians 2:15, NIV

Are we giving off a scent that is pleasing to God? Is our smell drifting far and wide? We have the responsibility to be the pleasing aroma of Christ. Some days are easier to smell good than others. You have got to choose each day to splash on that sweet aroma and pray your scent drifts on the wind like smoke from a wildfire! Who knows, maybe they will smell us in Canada!