Letting God Love You

God is love. Those of us who know Him personally proclaim that He is love, but do we allow Him to love us? Love is a two-way street. It's not just one party loving the other and the second doing nothing.  The love is true and real is when we allow the other person to love us too. 

Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will keep my commandments (John 14:15)." We strive on a daily basis to keep those commandments. Sometimes we feel like we do ok, and other times we feel like we completely fail. Do we focus so much on striving to keep those commandments that we fail to allow God to love us?  Maybe the question is, how does God love us? We can all list the many blessings God has bestowed on us every day, but what if it is more than just blessings? 

Have we ever just sat in stillness with God, like you would with a friend on a park bench? Friends don't necessarily need to talk, sometimes they can just enjoy each other's company.  Have you ever seen a sunrise or a sunset that was so amazingly beautiful that it took your breath away or are we too busy to notice?  Our lives are meant to be lived loving God, and Him loving us.  Do we allow Him into the deepest depths of our hearts, or is He just allowed in a little way? 

What would we think of a relationship where a person loved us, but we were only allowed to love that person a little bit?  Would it be fulfilling to both people?  Would it be what both people would want?  God will always love us, all of us. Isn't it possible that us allowing His love into our entire lives is just as important to Him as us striving to love Him?  God will not force His love on us. It is our choice. It has always been our choice.  Only we can decide how much we will allow God to love us.  His love is immeasurable, and it is ours for the asking.  Have you ever just let God love you?