One Step Ahead of the Enemy

The show Hogan's Heroes is a good example of how Christians can stay a step ahead of the enemy. Hogan’s Heroes centers on Colonel Robert Hogan and his men that are POWs at a German prison camp. The group secretly uses the camp for espionage, sabotage, and to help Allied POWs from other camps escape. They do all this under the nose of the commanding German officer Colonel Clink. Hogan and his comrades are always one step ahead of Colonel Clink. Meanwhile, Clink always thinks he has Hogan cornered, right where He wants him, but He never does. Episodes end with Hogan and his heroes the victor and Colonel Clink looking like a fool.

Colonel Clink may not have his eye on us, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have enemies. There is a great spiritual battle going on for the souls of men and women. They are forces working for our good and others working for our demise. However, you can be confident that God guards and guides those that are His, ensuring the enemy is not successful.

Let me remind you what God can do for us even when an enemy is knocking on the door. If Christians stick close to God, they will always stay one step ahead of the enemy (2 Kings 6:8-12). God will grant them more insight and wisdom than their enemies (Psalm 119:98). Even the very things intended to harm them can be worked for their good (Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20).

This is probably most apparent in life and ministry of Jesus. There were plenty of people out to get Jesus, but He could never be trapped, pigeon-holed, or forced to do what the enemy wanted.  Perhaps the enemy thought they had dealt a devasting blow when Jesus was crucified. Maybe they even thought they had won for a time. In reality, the victory was Christ the Lord's on the third day when He rose from the tomb. What looked like the enemy’s greatest victory was their greatest defeat.

As a Christian never forget who is on your side. When all is said and done God will be the victor and any that opposed Him will look foolish. Don’t fret about who is against you if God is for you. If God has you right where He wants you, the enemy never will.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. -James 4:7, ESV