Did God Actually Say...?

The first question recorded in the bible was posed by the serpent in the garden of Eden. It was a question directed toward Eve that gives us insight into the nature of sin and temptation. The question is recorded in Genesis 3:1 (ESV),

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”

Why would the serpent pose such a question? What was he up to? I think when you step back and reflect for a moment it becomes clear that the serpent was trying to create distrust when it came to God’s command. He wanted Eve to think God was keeping her from something good. That sort of distrust creates a fertile ground for temptation and can cause us to really question God.

Maybe God is not good and is holding out on me? Maybe God is not shooting straight with me? Maybe God meant something different when He said that? Now it’s not wrong to ask God questions, but it is quite dangerous to follow through with actions that blatantly disregard His character and word. Those acts of disobedience are what the Bible calls sin. The enticement and lure of these things is what the Bible calls temptation.

When we have a hard time trusting what God has said the pull of temptation is much stronger and our proclivity towards sin increases. This was on full display when the serpent tempted Eve. Let’s look at what God actually said to put it all in perspective.

“You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” -Genesis 2:16b-17

What were the consequences of eating the fruit? Did they really die? The Bible reminds us that Adam eventually died (Genesis 5:5) but also through disobedience he was removed from the garden (Genesis 3:24) and sin/death entered the world (Romans 5:12). Though his physical death was delayed, the spiritual death was immediate as he was separated from God. No doubt, God was telling the truth.

Do you feel as though you can trust God’s word? Let me remind you that God does not lie (Numbers 23:19) and His word always proves true (Proverbs 30:5). If you have been tempted lately, God will provide a way out if you trust Him (1 Corinthians 10:13). If you are afraid, put your trust in Him (Psalm 56:3). May we be the sort of people that take God at His word and faithfully follow Him. As the prophet Jeremiah said,

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. -Jeremiah 17:7, ESV

What is Faith?

One way the bible describes faith is in Romans 4:20-21,

But he did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that God had the power to do what He had promised.

That verse is talking about Abraham's faith in God's promise to be the father of many nations even though he had no children with his wife Sarah.  Abraham looked beyond where he was and saw with eyes of faith, believing in God for the impossible.  We should try every day to do the same.  Abraham had no reason to hope, but he hoped in faith that God's promise to him would be fulfilled.  A hopeful mind and attitude lead to peace and joy, while fear and discouragement steal peace and joy.

It costs nothing to be positive and believe God can change you and your life. Jump-start your blessings by saying you love your life, and be thankful in all things, no matter what the circumstances may be. Sometimes being positive feels like the last thing we can do during difficult times of waiting, but God will meet us there in those times and revive our hope if only we would ask Him.

Romans 4:20 states that Abraham did not doubt God's promise, and he was not disobedient to God by giving up. In fact, he waited on God, which caused his faith to become stronger and more empowered.  He felt confident that God would keep His word.  We should all try to take Abraham's example and keep our hearts filled with faith and our actions filled with obedience.

What is faith? It is being fully convinced that God has the power to do what He promises.  What is obedience? It is not giving up on God's promises.


Pride is one of life’s greatest vices and the Bible has a lot to say about it. Pride will keep a person from having a relationship with God. The person that is full of themself has no room for God. Humility, not pride, is the posture we take so we can know God.

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” -James 4:6b, ESV

Pride is often the attitude that precedes some of life’s greatest errors and blunders. It is a recipe for disaster when we think we know it all, have it all figured out, or that we are the exception to the rule. It is easy to overlook the dangers before us when we are consumed with ourselves.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. -Proverbs 16:18, ESV

Pride will make you miss out on the things most meaningful in life. Life’s greatest joys are not found within us, they are found when we get outside of ourselves. From God’s perspective, a humble and lowly spirit is tremendously more valuable than any riches of the world or personal achievements made with a proud spirit.

It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. -Proverbs 16:19, ESV

We find ourselves living in a culture where many cling to their pride. We have even begun what some celebrate as pride month. I encourage you to live counter to the culture. When others may think they themselves are the center of truth, humble yourself and look to God for wisdom. When others think that they are not accountable for their actions, choose to live responsibly in the light of God’s truth. When you are tempted to make life all about yourself, choose to love and serve just like our blessed Lord Jesus. Martin Luther said,

The god of this world is riches, pleasure and pride.

So then, we each must make up our own mind, whether we want the god of this world or God himself, whether we walk in self-sufficiency or the grace of Jesus Christ, whether are we will be filled with pride or humility.

Are We Ready to Share Christ?

Are we rooted-in and sold-out to Christ to the point that we will meet the world? Will we show someone who Christ is, what He can do, and why He died for them? Have you felt His presence in your life to be able to share the good news to others?

Before ascending to Heaven Jesus ordered His disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father (the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:4). They were ready to share Christ with the world only after the Holy Spirit had cleansed their motives and morals. Have you been to Christ to the point all your motives and morals are in tune with the Holy Spirit? I see it as living a holy life; a life that is authentic, practical and real.

Only the Holy Spirit can cleanse us and empower us to face our giants, and the storms coming our way. As Christ followers, one of our primary purposes is drawing others to Christ and telling them about Him. The Holy Spirit enables us to discern good from evil, to make right choices, and to live free from sin. If we are convinced we need to pursue living a holy life, look at these steps.

1 – Surrender: Totally surrender to God’s will for all your life, all areas.
2 – Ask: As a child of God, ask him for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
3 – Obey: Be obedient to all of God’s Word. Walk in the light of truth.
4 – Believe: The Holy Spirit is able and willing to do all God has promised us.

When we allow this to happen and pursue it, people will see a change in our attitudes, be blessed by our compassion, and be drawn to the Lord.  The song “Build My Life” says,

Holy there is no one like you, there is none beside you, open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are, and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me. I will build my life upon your love and its firm foundation. I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken.