What Do You Smell Like?

Earlier this summer we had several very hazy days. The air seemed to be saturated with smoke and you could smell the scent of burning wood. The news said this was the result of wildfires in Canada. It seems hard to believe something so far away was having an effect on us here.

We all know that certain smells can evoke vivid memories and emotions. For example, the smell of Old Spice aftershave and citronella candles brings fond memories of time spent in the backyard with my Pop. What smells bring you happiness and peace? More importantly, what is God’s favorite fragrance?

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. -2 Corinthians 2:15, NIV

Are we giving off a scent that is pleasing to God? Is our smell drifting far and wide? We have the responsibility to be the pleasing aroma of Christ. Some days are easier to smell good than others. You have got to choose each day to splash on that sweet aroma and pray your scent drifts on the wind like smoke from a wildfire! Who knows, maybe they will smell us in Canada!

A Lack of Depth

            During the winter seasons, the Great Lakes can become quite temperamental. When gale force winds are blowing, Lake Erie has been known to get waves as high as 25 feet. Lake Erie seems to be the most temperamental of all the Great Lakes. This is because it is the shallowest. Of the thousands of estimated shipwrecks, 25% are thought to lie at the bottom of Lake Erie. Lake Erie is 2nd smallest in terms of surface area among the five Great Lakes. To be more precise, Lake Erie accounts for 10.5% of the total surface area of all the Great Lakes. Let that sink in. Lake Erie which accounts for 10.5% of the total surface area has 25% of the shipwrecks. The number is disproportionate in part because Lake Erie is so shallow. Because it does not have as much depth, its waters become turbulent more easily. The result is a lot more shipwrecks. A lack of depth has led to disproportionate destruction.

            I think Lake Erie has something to remind us about ourselves. When we are emotionally shallow or lack depth in our thinking, it seems we have similar results. Why do we get so temperamental sometimes? I think in part it is because we lack the emotional maturity to handle the situation. Or perhaps we lack the perspective to think clearly. Or maybe we fail to listen. In short, we lack depth. When we lack depth, smaller incidents can turn the waters of our emotions into a turbulent sea. We fly off the handle more easily. We say things we regret. We hurt those that we love. I wonder how many of us have left a disproportionate number of shipwrecked lives in the wake of our anger?

            Let me give you a few recommendations from the Bible that can help add some depth to your life. Firstly, be quick to listen (James 1:19). A lack of understanding and real communication has led to many unnecessary fights. Secondly, put your problems in perspective (Romans 5:3-5). The Bible teaches us that when put our faith in God, even those things that cause us to suffer are being used to make us better. God loves you immensely and is using it for your good. Just take a deep breath and keep your cool. Finally, love others deeply (1 Peter 4:8). Simply love others the way God has loved you. The people God has placed in your life are infinitely more important than your personal preferences. Love them from the heart. We are not meant shipwreck them. We are meant to help make sure their ship makes it safely to shore. Let’s learn from Lake Erie and add some depth to our lives.

Stepping on the Scale

I have a scale that sits on my bathroom floor. If I take the time to stop and step on it is going to tell me something. It may surprise me. It may tell something I don't want to know. If it is accurate, it will without a doubt tell me the truth. There are moments in life when we have to step on the scale so to speak. We need to assess how we are doing.

This is no different with God. Sometimes we must step on the scale. We have to stand on the truth of His Word and weigh ourselves. We are reminded in Proverbs 16:2 (ESV),

All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit.

Often in life when we go to make plans, and we think that our plans are great. However, all of our plans, intentions, attitudes, and desires need to be judge by God's standards. God is the one who weighs what is right and wrong, helpful and harmful, wise and foolish. The scriptures teach us that we need to step on the scale and receive God’s perspective. We may not always like what we find, but we can be sure that God’s Word is accurate.

Are you willing to step on the scale of God’s Word and hear what He has to say? If so, here is a prayer you can pray. It is from Psalm 139:23-24 (ESV),

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!

Keep the Faith

In 1953, a fledgling company called Rocket Chemical Company and its staff of three set out to create a line of rust-prevention solvents and degreasers for use in the aerospace industry. Working in a small lab in San Diego, California, it took them 40 attempts to get the water displacing formula worked out. But they must have been really good, because the original secret formula for WD-40 Multi-Use Product -which stands for Water Displacement perfected on the 40th try—is still in use today (wd40.com/history).

Imagine if the Rocket Chemical Company had given up after their 39th failed attempt. They would have missed their goal and we never would have had WD-40. I wonder how often we stop just short of being successful, reaching our goal, or making a breakthrough? It isn’t easy to keep going after we’ve struggled and failed many times before. However, those that have the perseverance and grit to keep at it in life will reap the rewards of their diligence.

This also true for our Christian walk. We are called to persevere and stick with it as we follow Jesus. Our faith is described as a race (Hebrews 12:1-3). In our race there may be times that we fall down or slow down, but the important thing is that we keep moving forward. We must not stop, quit, or turn around. We set our eyes on the prize, Jesus Christ the author and perfector of our faith, and we don’t give up. We keep the faith.

Have you felt like giving up or giving in lately? Let me encourage you to keep hanging onto Jesus. Don’t stop just shy of what Jesus has prepared for you. Your Lord and Savior will strengthen you and give you everything that you need. He is going to finish what He started in you. Keep the faith. May we all one day have the same testimony as the Apostle Paul where he proclaimed,

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. -2 Timothy 4:7, ESV